Thursday, September 30, 2010

As the future of science abstract nanotechnology - the best book that you Ever read on the subject

As humanity unlocks the secrets of our DNA, and learn how to use nanotechnology to engineer genetically human potential is unlimited. We can improve our muscles, brain, and participate in the life extension technologies. Some of this may sound like science fiction, but is exactly where nanotechnology in biotechnology is directed. Many futurists and scientists in these fields portray an interesting, exciting future and even fear.

One of the best books I ever read on this subject and that takes up there next to writers top sci-fi prior periods allowed that my mind go beyond today and in the future. The future of nanotechnology and all emerging sciences, which are now interrelated fascinates him. If you are interested in this topic, I would like to recommend a book with very good that you will enjoy and love.It's definitely a classic, although it is a niche very esotérico.El book name is;

"Engines of creation - What We Might Become" by Eric Drexler; Division of Bantam Doubleday Dell, New York, NY, books, 1986, (298 pp.), ISBN: 0385199724.

This book is in my personal library, and will remain ahí.Recientemente, I have some old books that I do not want to, and I got on this book once more weeding.As it was paging through him, I realized that it was written in 1986, is me that many of the things that had predicted Drexler, have now become a occurred.Many initiatives are being funded nanotechnology and research that is being done is making progress advances in neurology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, science of matter and much more.

Sometimes worth looking back to the visionaries who helped to put us on the way to our modern technology of hoy.Voy to recommend that you purchase this book, read it, and then go to explore where this technology will in the future, and how far it has come ya.Por please consider all this.

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