Thursday, September 30, 2010

As the future of science abstract nanotechnology - the best book that you Ever read on the subject

As humanity unlocks the secrets of our DNA, and learn how to use nanotechnology to engineer genetically human potential is unlimited. We can improve our muscles, brain, and participate in the life extension technologies. Some of this may sound like science fiction, but is exactly where nanotechnology in biotechnology is directed. Many futurists and scientists in these fields portray an interesting, exciting future and even fear.

One of the best books I ever read on this subject and that takes up there next to writers top sci-fi prior periods allowed that my mind go beyond today and in the future. The future of nanotechnology and all emerging sciences, which are now interrelated fascinates him. If you are interested in this topic, I would like to recommend a book with very good that you will enjoy and love.It's definitely a classic, although it is a niche very esotérico.El book name is;

"Engines of creation - What We Might Become" by Eric Drexler; Division of Bantam Doubleday Dell, New York, NY, books, 1986, (298 pp.), ISBN: 0385199724.

This book is in my personal library, and will remain ahí.Recientemente, I have some old books that I do not want to, and I got on this book once more weeding.As it was paging through him, I realized that it was written in 1986, is me that many of the things that had predicted Drexler, have now become a occurred.Many initiatives are being funded nanotechnology and research that is being done is making progress advances in neurology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, science of matter and much more.

Sometimes worth looking back to the visionaries who helped to put us on the way to our modern technology of hoy.Voy to recommend that you purchase this book, read it, and then go to explore where this technology will in the future, and how far it has come ya.Por please consider all this.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Spontaneous evolution - learning in our cells

"You know, our cells only could be smarter we are." Swami Beyondananda. "How can 50 trillion cells live in harmony and peace while a mere 7 million people are on the verge of annihilating themselves?"

This is one of the questions explored very interesting book that I'm reading: ' spontaneous evolution ' by Lipton and Bhaerman.Hablan on the principles of the organization responsible for the evolution of communities multicellular; its premise is that what works for cell also works to humans, and what works for human beings will also work for humanity. '

The drive to greater efficiency and survivability led to the evolution of eukaryotes - communities of single prokaryotic cells.Over time, these have evolved into linked to individual cells, cell colonies perform essentially the same work.

As the people of these colonies exceeds a certain limit, was not efficient for each cell to make the same trabajo.Las communal cells began to differentiate and specialize - delegate specific tasks to different cells.

Similar to artisans and their guilds, differentiated cells form the tissues and organs whose products and services are necessary for the survival of the community.For example, a cardiac muscle cell is a master of contraction - a process that is managed and driven by many different cardiac cells that organized associations comprise the heart.

In exchange for their specialized services of cardio-vascular, these guilds of cardiac cells receive complementary services of other specialized bodies of cells in the body - for example, the nutrients from the digestive system, the oxygen from the respiratory system, the protection of the immune system, management of waste from the excretory system and news of the world through the nervous system.

It is an important lesson: the success of these complex systems is a function of cooperation, not competition, between the guilds of the cell. Remarkable harmony show at the cell phone is the character that distinguishes communities cell successfully from the current state of our society humana.cada cell is an individual, however, that all behave and support one another.

A very interesting feature of the cell community is the equivalent of a monetary system.The molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are the currency economy celular.Las cells work to make ATP and ATP to spend to get the job done.

Cells whose efforts are more vital pay more ATP and may even be equipped with cellular entourages that support their specialized functions.While cells are found in different pay scales, each cell is equipped with the basics of life: food, shelter, health care and protection.

Excess energy is actually stored cells - equivalent of regional and national banks.These reservations are available for the use of the community - at the request of the Government body.

These reservations can be deployed anywhere within the system to create, update, or repair the infrastructure of the cuerpo.Las cells, therefore freely contribute to the efforts of the community without having to worry about the origin of your next paycheck ATP of.

Human cell organization has an R & D that creates technology and manufactures biochemical equivalent of steel, plywood, circuits and networks cable system: an advanced system of environment for purification of air and water; a superfast communication system right to the cell; a system of criminal justice which retain, rehabilitates and even provides assistance in suicide destructive cells; comprehensive health care coverage and immune system.

The Connected age moved towards communities true that willingness to work together for the greater good? do be true interdependence as demonstrated by our mobile communities? share their own ideas and comments on this.

The new create is an initiative to examine our beliefs and assumptions - life and life - we need to reinvent in creating a more inclusive world and sostenible.Es an opportunity for each one of us to connect, collaborate and much of the world that we will rebuild for the posteridad.Publicar their own examples on the wall.

Sudhakar Ram is provider solutions President and co-founder of it, Mastek.Él believes that the creation of a sustainable world would require a change in the "constructions" that drive our attitudes and actions.

Article source:

Sudhakar Ram - EzineArticles Expert Author

Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills-(a review of chapters 1 and 2)

Dr. Russell l. Blaylock, M.D. has written a compelling book detailing the results of numerous studies of the effects of what he calls "excitotoxins" in the brain. "Excitotoxins", such as (monosodium glutamate, commonly called MSG) glutamate and aspartate (such as the artificial sweetener, NutraSweet) are among the more than 70 special types of amino acids present in the brain that are known to be largely present in foods processed more available packaged today.

By defining precisely what are called "excitotoxins" in Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, (health Press, 1997) Dr. Blaylock leads the reader in an intensive course of brain in Chapter 1.Most of this chapter can be omitted truthfully from descriptions are very detailed and repeated once more chapters siguientes.Sin however, with a brief description of the parts of the brain (of frontal lobes, the parietal lobes, occipital lobes, temporal lobes, the cores arranged inside of brains, mother brain, pituitary gland and hypothalamus) and the composition of the neuron (Dendrite, Council of Cell, Axon and final terminal) we won a great appreciation for complexity and balances yet delicate operate within the human brain.

Chapter 1 Dr. Blaylock inform us that the brain consumes 20% of oxygen need body and 25% required glucose in the body to normal operations.Interestingly, this is the one piece of information we need to remember to Chapter 3. problem is that this tremendous need of oxygen and glucose circulating in the blood makes the brain vulnerable to ingested to toxins. In a section that describes the "blood/brain barrier" that we learned that this first line of defence against toxins-borne blood brain barrier and really can be filtered in certain circumstances that introduces another problem with these specific amino acids ingestion.

In Chapter 2 we received a review of aminoácidos.Esto is important since the "excitotoxins" really are amino acids which are normally present in the brain. Dr. Blaylock gives a brief overview of amino acids and how they are used to create the proteins in a process called anabolism building blocks. It is interesting to draw is collagen (the greatest body protein) which contains the amino acids of 1500.

Finally gives us an idea of what the potential problem as Dr. Blaylock explains another function of amino acids.Apparently, apart from being used to build proteins, some amino acids act as neurotransmitters.Glycine, glutamate and aspartate are examples of these types of aminoácidos.Dr.Blaylock describes in detail the neurotransmitter firing the proceso.También notes that neuroscientists have discovered glutamate is one of the most common neurotransmitters in the brain areas cerebro.muchas contain broad glutamate neuronas.A type turn, activation of cortical neurons glutamate activate other neurons within deep placed nuclei in the brain.

These connections are important to examine the effects of excitatory amino acids (such as MSG) and the origins of the neurological disease that reveal themselves in later chapters.

Seven daughters of Eve Book Review

The seven daughters of Eve is a book of nonfiction written by profession Brian Sykes of human genetics from the University of Oxford in England. Although a book of fiction with your kernel is not a pleasant blend of the history of the life of authors at the time when he was working the pioneer of mitochondrial DNA research and testing, there are fictional aspects to it.

The first half of the book is interesting that tells the story of how occurred type mitochondrial DNA testing and authors that helped advance research along personal life stories.E.g. after a motorcycle accident left Sykes with a bad shoulder as necessary to establish before flying, was able to take samples from a small island population that was useful to show how often in the Pacific Basin (well, actually how do not often) DNA muta mitocondrial.Es these true stories that allow the average reader to enjoy the book without being dominated by science, when summarized above says that a mother passes mitochondrial DNA in its entirety to all his children.

Given that mitochondrial DNA passed exactly a mother to her children, it is possible to return through the story and find what Sykes called the seven daughters of Eve. It was 7 women leading humans out of Africa, and helped to fill the rest of the world according to the book.

Sykes tries to give a name to each of these women and tell the story of his life based on what we know about the area that it is likely that lived as well as archaeological evidence since the time suggested by the number of mutations in the DNA sequence.While this part of the book was interesting, we see agriculture to start a story, dogs which are domesticated elsewhere, I found it harder to connect science that surrounded them, and then the real story of the life of Sykes.

It is a very interesting, faster reading, and then expect because Sykes is able to make reasonable and accurate sound science to explain his own history.Each reader is likely to encourage a different part of the book, but generally not read anything like genetic books long and boring and frustrating that so many of us have been with biología.Yo class would say that this is a final reading for anyone interested in human genetics.

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Article source:

Mark A Aselstine - EzineArticles Expert Author

What are the programs available for the PhD in molecular biology?

For those who wish to continue his PhD in molecular biology, but are too busy with his job and other professional activity, there is now a convenient alternative. You can now use the internet as a tool to achieve their academic goals. Today, a Ph.d. in molecular biology program is now available online. Now, people in this field can take required courses on the web.

Online programs vary depending on the school. There are institutions that require a student of at least three years to complete the program, but there are also institutions that offer less duration. Conferences are available for the students of the University, but tutorials postgraduate in molecular biology are exclusive to students of the above-mentioned programme.Of different types, crystallography, NMR, EPR spectroscopy of destroyed are some of the topics that are available in the academic program based on internet.La initial part of the molecular biology PhD program includes lectures on these subjects.

Comfort is the main advantage to enter this program online.Even if you have a regular job, you can still continue their studies on esto.Los materials needed for this will be sent to the student on the postal service. Because of this, a lot of self-studying is necessary.

But there are also times when real student's presence is required since curriculum also contains retreats and seminars that are needed in the study of molecular biology graduate.So you have to make time for the few cases that his presence is really necessary.

Before enrolling in a post-graduate in molecular biology online program, make sure that have met all requisitos.Compruebe first if all courses and topics that you had his BA and MA degree recognized by the institution academic wishing entrar.Distintas universities have different curricula, so some of the courses that are credited to a certain school may be unposted in others.

While you're studying online, there may be situations that need to use the facilities of the Universidad.Así be sure to take a look first in school and resources facilities to ensure a comfortable learning environment.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Aqua House - architecture that integrates water technically and aesthetically

Does Stephanie Madison Habitus that interviews about their "Aqua House, architecture that integrates water technically and aesthetically" workbook author can please comment on what inspired him to write Aqua houses and key ideas in the book?

Refers to current on global water usage and increasing pollution of their environments is what me to write Aqua House inspired. The book focuses on the relationship of architecture and water.Once again the place of architecture in order to determine how current practices in architecture contribute to pollution of water environments and what is believed to be an unsustainable use of the misma.El book trafficking investigate how some of these practices in architecture could be modified in the future in order to mitigate the problem of water.

Is the key idea in the book how the design of a house you can integrate the technical and aesthetic features of water?

I have tried to answer this by designing a building (Aqua House) that works with the features of aesthetic and technical aqua.Además, design integrates water and architecture in a way that could help reduce agua.Mientras to Aqua House environmental pollution is a small project, which focused on the problem of residential architecture maybe you can help raise awareness about broader issues of water. Perhaps lessons can extrapolate to a review of other types of buildings and urban environments, where a wider set of problems of water could be considered.

In following the principles outlined in houses of Aqua, what can consumers integrating solutions water-wise in their own homes that are technically efficient and architecturally aesthetic?

The principles outlined in the House of Aqua is rain, which is collected, recycled and cleaned, held and organizes the House.It is an example of how consumers could integrate solutions water-wise in their own homes locate in the lobby of his house a group of reflection that stores water high calidad.Podría celebrate water harvested in the way does it the receiver in the Hall of the Villa Savoye, and cleaning travel guests are invited.Another example is the have a structure that consists of a series of columns aqua.Water columns replace the tank of groundwater or solid water tanks used in other sustainable, allowing visual recognition and knowledge of the amount of water stored, while also used to supply the water needs of houses.

What you envision with consumers who want in terms of water-wise architectural spaces in the future, please describe?Do you think that consumers are drawn to these spaces to design elements, etc.?

Glimpse consumers wanting water-wise architectural spaces to the experience of States and transformations, their distinctive tastes, sounds and olores.Belleza water lies in its fluidity, transparency and reflexive-ness.Por example, water is symbolic meanings: Chinese Feng Shui represents good chi and Christianity, which means limpieza.Personas are naturally attracted to the water for their aesthetic qualities and musicians frequently held in its trabajo.Las songs of Schubert, Deep Purple smoke water on water, Simon and Garfunkel Bridge over Troubled Water, Lady in the water, Wild River, water lilies are examples of music and movies inspired by artists like Hockney, Dalí, Picasso, Monet, Escher, agua.Pinturas English represent the beauty of the water.

I believe that consumers will be drawn to integrated design solutions knowing that each year are sent 0.0 litres of effluent and 0.0 litres of water to rivers and oceans, and manage the process to celebrate it.

Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills-(A review of Chapter 3, how MSG kills brain cells)

According to the author, Dr. Blaylock, "Excitotoxins" are special amino acids such as glutamate and aspartate (which are commonly found in MSG and NutraSweet). These "Excitotoxins" are added to processed food to improve flavor. Normally act as neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord. However, when these common additives are consumed by eating certain processed foods) excessive amounts can develop to kill certain neurons in the brain by making them to fire several times (and unnecessary) until they die.

How to do this? Dr. Blaylock explains that there are two problems. First, we must understand glutamate is normally in the brain and the use to a neuron signal when it is time to shoot. When it's done is a cellular mechanism that transfers excess glutamate into surrounding glial cells. Glial cells weather neurons in the brain and supply them energy in the form of ATP). The amount of energy required to do this is very high.This indicates that the first problem is that in a condition of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is not enough ATP present to transfer the constant presence of glutamate glutamato.En neurons fire repeatedly until they die.

In particular, as part of the law process, glutamate and aspartate signal as a sort key to unlock the neuron that chemically start neurons fire (its normal task) calcium channels. The bomb cellular calcium active that remove calcium.This is the second problema.La calcium pump also requires an enormous amount of energy. A hypoglycemic condition these calcium pump would not operate allowing that neurons firing multiple times until you die.

The solution may seem to eat more, so there is never a State hypoglycemic.This may seem to be possible, but the reality is that (as says Dr Blaylock) the FDA has allowed to the food industry include these "excitotoxins" in so many hidden ways that consumers may not be aware that they are actually eating the same substances which usually try to avoid (MSG) this mass consumption glutamates and aspartates may be impossible to overcome with normal brain processes.A diet rich in natural unprocessed foods is very important.

The only real solution is to avoid consuming "excitotoxins."Dr. Blaylock indicated in Appendix 1 other additives of common foods that have been hidden MSG.estos sources include: Hydrolyzed, hydrolyzed plant protein, hydrolyzed protein, yeast extract, texture, protein and calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate Autolyzed Yeast and hydrolyzed avena.Algunos flour food additives plant protein can have MSG include: excerpt from Malta, Malt flavoring, Bouillon, broth, stock, flavoring, natural flavoring, natural meat or flavorings chicken and condiments.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Top 10 popular science books

1 Annals of a world of ancient, by John McPhee

Patient and lyrical prose, McPhee takes the reader on a geological tour of the United States. This volume was originally published 4 books, each focuses on a road that the author took with a geologist, along with major U.S. highways Eisenhower for clues to its geological past Earth observation trip. Annals has this - without frontiers, Idealist, on the road to feeling type Geologists (although a little more mature.)I collect Annals ever in a time when im in a State of relaxed mood, when im looking for a good example of recommended as a companion if you can adjust your package literaria.Altamente science writing for camping trips.

2. Surely you are a joke, Mr, Feynman, by Richard Feynman

A string of extracts of Feynman's life/career you surely are joke is probably the popular science book I have read in most of the time, not because it is short, but because it is compelling, a discrete and full of scientific concepts essential.Richard Feynman has a rare ability to do physics easily digestible, his lectures are a testimony and surely you are joke is not an exception. easy prose Feynman makes the reader feel as physics is understandable, as if he has established a diagram of the universe in your living - room floor nobody is a charming forastero.Es. Feynman in my category 'top 5 people give my right little finger to meet'.

3. A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson

The second volume heavy in the list, a brief history is replete with almost todo.Tarda a look at the science behind a lot of things - beauty, cells, evolution of the universe. Bryson rejects the traditional notion of a 'textbook' with this book, making science seem relevant in our daily lives and put this knowledge into the context of the universe - in space and time. Capture the detailed corners where science is often concentrated and getting the wonder of perspective more extensive is an achievement - taste wherever you can find it.Great in audio book format.

4. The richness of life collection of essays by Stephen Jay Gould

Idiosyncrasy Gould has written articles on natural history and many other magazines science for decades and is one of the most widely read writers of modern science.This collection of articles, highly intellectual, witty and pin-accurate prose Gould explains evolutionary theory, racism, or baseball with eye of a scientist, but in a manner involving Lego.Gould dedication to science shows in each pieza.Encantadora.

5. In the Shadow of man , by Jane Goodall

A classic book - easy to not read, jargon.Observations of Goodall chimpanzees in the wild first brought to light one of the ancestors of more recent man - chimpanzee.This book recounts some innovative Goodall research on his own observations on chimpanzee behavior. Immersed in the book, once I could not help but think - we are all just apes, evolved from or related to the otro.Pone one things in perspective.

6. Canon , by Natalie Angier

Someone at the counter of science of the New York Times once I - said "Natalie Angier is the Queen of the metaphor".Tengo who agree.The Canon is the best example of meandering witty prose to the reader through simple scientific questions with difficult answers.In this book, Angier discusses what she considered the basic scientific concepts everyone should know: thinking scientifically, probabilities, calibration, physics, chemistry, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, astronomy and geology.Travel.I have to say - this could have been the textbook very, but due to his style of writing, is magistral.Realmente I had many non-scientific friend recommended this to me, is always a good sign.

7. Living cell: notes of a watchdog biology , by Lewis Thomas

Another collection of essays is worth picking up, book of Thomas ' is a joy.Each trial packs a lot of literary philosophy in its package Thomas meanders through simple themes and concepts in biology and make connections over large (the cells are as social mini, animal bodies work together as parts of a cell, etc.).Thomas often used recurring themes in his essays, this collection is good for sporadic reading.

8. Universe in a tea , by K.C. Cole

Where can I find a book that weaves with success the discipline of mathematics, the concepts of truth and beauty? universe is a book of this kind; K.C. popular volume and somehow seminal.Metáforas which she uses to pack a punch. style of his prose is something poetic, and in the universe, it proves more accustomed to explain things as phase or chaos transitions are illuminating - not only because you finally understand a concept of science that always seem so dark, but since Cole also the has given a new way of thinking in mathematics and in the world along with its new understanding.(Full disclosure - Cole was my academic mentor)

9. Perdurables Love , by Ian McEwin

Very well, so not everyone could classify this as a popular science book, but ILL include it all modos.Perdurables Love is a book of fiction, partly written from the perspective of a former scientist, but more importantly, is a story of suspense that allows the attitudes of the author towards the bleeding of life on each página.Ian McEwan is a well rationalistic knowing who believes that science is as much a part of the culture as any other thing - a position that sympathize mucho.Se is a literary story, sure, but McEwin manages to mention scientific ideas into place, integration of science and its modes of thinking in their complex characters and slowly revealing situaciones.Es a fact.

10. Six easy pieces, not so easy-to-six-piece , by Richard Feynman

I tried not to include any author twice, but I couldn't resistir.Feynman is fantástico.Desproteger these books for fundamental physics lessons.

* Suggested that authors - lack of Simon Singh, Richard Dawkins

Biology, science and nature Books

Astronomy and Cosmology

Cosmology is the name given to a range of natural sciences, including physics and astronomy which intends to provide an explanation of how works the universe as an entity integrada.Largo centuries, from the Pythagoreans in Greece during the 6th century BC to consider that the Earth was spherical, cosmology has come a long way and has integrated a variety of different fields of science.

Cosmology evolved from the observation of these Greeks who interpret the natural laws of celestial bodies that, finally, the Ptolemaic model developed during the second siglo.siglos later, during the 16th century, most the Copernican system developed theories surrounding astronomy and Cosmology - followed, in the 20th century, by the theories of special relativity and general relativity Albert Einstein's theory. In general, however, the case for Cosmology says that the laws of physics work the same everywhere and there is no uniformity in the entire universe.

«The holographic universe ', written by Michael Talbot, tells his story in two parts: part I spent 55 pages discuss David Bohm holographic model of the universe - simplified in everyday language by Talbot.La second part of the book delves into paranormal events while, at the same time, trying to rationalize the holographic model.» Talbot introduces the reader to Karl Pribram, as well as the philosophies of David Bohm.


Chemistry and biochemistry often go hand in hand, existing in parallel with other scientific disciplines such as Dietetic [food science].McCance and Widdowson, which produce 'Composition for the Foods' summarizes food composition tables and updates much in the way of nutrition as a prologue to the Sixth Edition ciencia.El has been written by Sir John Krebs, while the actual volume does provide a valuable reference source for Dietitians and nutritionists worldwide on.

Meanwhile, the 'principles of Biochemistry' by Nelson D has been described as a modern approach to biochemistry. Personally, I never found one of the best books of Biochemistry, was written by Patterson - now, unfortunately, long out of print.I attribute my pass with success in the presence of Patterson who, by the time which had ended with her, was particularly dog-eared biochemistry tests!'Principles of Biochemistry Nelson D' is really the best comes to Patterson and a worthy successor.

Geography and Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences are a term of catch-all, covering a range of different natural sciences referred to previously.These refer to the study of Earth and how different parts of it are interrelated to produce homogeneous set is the classic feature worldwide científico.Si you are interested in the world that surrounds him, then, you might be interested in a beautiful book by Gavin praetor-Pinney.This book 'Cloud collector Handbook' is full of charm, pictures below which you will find a brief description of each cloud and space record their own avistamientos.Sin doubt, offers a new connotation of having the head in the clouds!


If you think there is a difference in the world between someone who loves school, and someone who loves to learn: not necessarily that, if you like to learn, then you should enjoy school.However, education is all about learning for the pure pleasure of new information.This apprenticeship may or not be associated with school: cannot even cover any tema.Evidencia this can be seen in Richard Dawkins 'book' The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution '.

Dawkins is about educating your readers, explaining how fossils can be dated precisely all of tectonic plates, etc., before going into the details of how these can be linked with the global distribution of plants and animals and effect in these physical items changes can have on them.Dawkins, while that which clear that he is aware [does and that could not be?] of the great debate about the evolution of creation v, not get dragged into the minutiae that surround this eternal dispute.

Engineering and technology

A book that simply must recommend is a fantastic book by Jo Marchant.Find it in our section of science and nature under the title engineering and tecnología.La first something that say is that he is not some volume dry technique and aburrido.Este book tells the story behind a Greek artifact particularly old and what it took to decode its ocultos.El mysteries book called ' the decoding of the heavens: solve the mystery of the first worldwide team '.Deseo Jo Marchant had found a most intriguing for his book because this title does not really make this title Justice book.

The book tells the story of the who has shown amazing capabilities as an astronomical calculator Antikythera mechanism: scientists believe that their complexity was at least 1,500 years before its canister artifact of Antikythera mechanism is 2,000 years old and was found during a immersion in 1901.Los scientists have been trying to unravel its secrets from entonces.Por therefore, if a based mystery you are interested, or a book that is a little different that I strongly recommend this interesting and well written book of Jo Marchant.

There are countless other subgenera are within our section of Science and Nature, covering a wide range of temas.Si you're a fan of the border collie Barbara Sykes writes a charming 'Journal border agreement' Treaty. is an excellent book written by someone who really understand the complexities of this breed of dog and that is an absolute 'must have' for all lovers of border collies fuera.Cambiando dogs elephants, certainly recommend ' elephant that whispers: learning about life, loyalty, and freedom of a flock Remarkable elephants - is really tire on your resolve it then you've howling with laughter! check out all the other options in this section, you probably will you be surprised in the treasure of the hidden titles within our web pages!